Apartman Aleja in Sarajevo

Sarajevo, Bolnička street
43 m2
2nd floor

Picture gallery

Apartment Aleja is located on the 2nd floor of a residential building in Sarajevo, Bolnička Street, in the immediate vicinity of the Sarejevo University Clinical Center and the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Civil Engineering.

Facilities in the apartment

WiFi is available in the entire apartment, and there is no additional charge

Heating / cooling

Public parking is available nearby and reservation is not possible

TV with cable channels

Rooms for use:

  • Living room + dining room
  • Kitchen
  • Bathroom
  • Hall

The following are available for sleeping:

  • 1x pull-out sofa for 2 people
  • 1x click-clack sofa for one person

The kitchen has:

  • fridge
  • oven
  • microwave oven
  • water kettle
  • cutlery and cooking utensils

The bathroom has:

  • shower
  • hairdryer
  • washer/dryer

Smoking is not allowed

Cats are allowed as pets

Languages for communication:

  • Bosanski / Hrvatski / Srpski
  • English


Bolnička 15/II, 71 000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Public transportation

Inter-city and international transportation

What to visit during the stay?

Sarajevo Apartment Aleja is located in the municipality of Centar Sarajevo, and represents a perfect central location from which to visit both historical sights and natural beauties that surround the city of Sarajevo.




Just a few minutes from the apartment…

…you can find everything you need for a short or long-term stay in Sarajevo




Restaurants / Cafes / Confectioneries:

  • 4 sobe gospođe Safije – 6 min
  • Buregdžinica Sadiković – 1 min

Educational institutions nearby

  • Medicinski fakultet – 4 min
  • Stomatološki fakultet – 4 min
  • Građevinski fakultet – 7 min
  • Srednja medicinska škola – 10 min
  • Druga gimnazija – 8 min
  • Osnovna škola Musa Ćazim Ćatić – 7 min

Want more information?

Contact us by phone +387 61 200 628 (Viber i Whatsapp).

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