Necropolis for the Victims of Fascism Monument on Smrike | Nekropola žrtvama fašizma Smrike | Novi Travnik


Explore the poignant history and architectural significance of the WW2 memorial sculpture series, a solemn tribute commemorating 700 civilians who met their fate at this site in August of 1941.


Nestled within the serene Smrike spomenik complex, just a short distance from the town of Novi Travnik in Bosnia & Herzegovina, this monument serves as a lasting testament to the atrocities of the past. & @armindurgut

Crafted in 1975 by the skilled hands of Bogdan Bogdanovic, the memorial stands on a hill overlooking Novi Travnik, with 12 stoic stone guardians forever watching over the innocent.


These stone sentinels, with eyes wide open, symbolize eternal vigilance in preserving the memory of those who suffered.


The complex, unfortunately, endured significant damage during the Bosnian War in ’90’s, and today, it sits mostly in ruins. Despite its dilapidated state, the Smrike spomenik complex remains a powerful reminder of the resilience of the human spirit and the need to cherish and learn from the lessons of history.


In 2012, it was rightfully declared a national monument of Bosnia and Herzegovina, solidifying its importance in preserving the cultural fabric of the region.

Amidst the breathtaking scenery of the Lašva Valley in central Bosnia, this unusual “Smrike” monument add a unique and captivating element to the landscape.

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