Cathedral of Christ the Saviour | Saborni Hram Hrista Spasitelja | Banja Luka

Discover the history of Banja Luka’s Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity, a testament to unwavering faith and resilience. This sanctuary mirrors the strength of a community’s devotion, evident through its rich narrative.

Originally built on the grounds where ten Serbs and their priest were executed in 1809, the former Cathedral Church held a profound memorial significance. The tradition lives on in the Christ the Saviour Cathedral Church, an eternal bastion of prayer for parishioners and the Serbian nation, honoring those who sacrificed for their faith and homeland.

Turkish occupation suppressed the Orthodox Serbs’ ability to erect grand churches, leading to secret constructions like the Pelagic’s Church. Austro-Hungarian rule further thwarted church-building efforts, diverting resources meant for construction.

Despite adversities, the desire for a worthy Orthodox Cathedral persisted. The construction finally commenced in 1925, with the church’s consecration in 1939 marking a triumphant moment. Serene in Serbian-Byzantine style, adorned with masterful frescoes and melodic bells, it became a symbol of unity.

Tragedy struck during World War II when the church was bombed and later demolished. After years of longing, a new Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity emerged in 1972, a modest yet resilient presence in the heart of Banja Luka.

In 1991, with political changes, the Cathedral Church’s restoration gained momentum.


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