International Portrait Gallery | Međunarodna galerija portreta | Tuzla

The International Portrait Gallery Tuzla, established in 1964, stands as a testament to the rich cultural heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Founded with a significant contribution from renowned Bosnian-Herzegovinian artist Ismet Mujezinović, and supported by Mevludin Ekmečić, the gallery has evolved into a treasure trove of over 5000 artistic works, a collection that continually expands with the passage of time.

At the heart of the gallery are several distinct art collections:

  1. Contemporary Portrait Collection
  2. Ismet Mujezinović Collection
  3. James (Haim) Pinto Legacy
  4. General Collection
  5. Adela Behr Vukić Collection
  6. Portraits of Tito by Various Artists
  7. International Portrait Collection
  8. Vladimir Pintarić Collection

Two exceptional collections, “Portraits of Tito by Various Artists” and the “Ismet Mujezinović Collection,” were officially designated as national monuments of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2013 by the Commission for the Preservation of National Monuments. This recognition underscores the importance of these collections, consisting of over 2000 artistic works, in preserving the nation’s cultural heritage.

Moreover, the gallery boasts a library with over 3000 units, including monographs, studies, articles, and catalogs, all housed in a specialized library. Additionally, a wealth of documents, manuscripts, photographic records, and artists’ legacies are readily accessible to researchers delving into the cultural history and artistic heritage of Bosnian-Herzegovinian visual arts.

In tandem with its role in curating exhibitions, performances, art workshops, promotions, presentations, concerts, roundtable discussions, and academic conferences, the gallery has spearheaded several significant publishing projects. Collaborating with governmental, non-governmental, and international partners, the gallery has successfully executed 530 projects from mid-2010 to the end of 2016, an impressive feat given the gallery’s modest staffing resources.

Recognizing the need for optimal protection of its art collections, the gallery underwent depot rehabilitation, ensuring the secure storage of artworks and other museum and gallery materials. The material and technical infrastructure of the gallery’s building was enhanced, providing the highest level of protection for both stored and exhibited artworks.

The spatial capacities of the gallery encompass the main building and the International Studio named after Ismet Mujezinović, one of the most influential Bosnian-Herzegovinian artists and cultural figures of the twentieth century. The International Studio has hosted a multitude of established and emerging artists, both domestic and international, representing various professional backgrounds. The International Portrait Gallery Tuzla stands as a cultural beacon, preserving and showcasing the rich artistic legacy of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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