Kravica Waterfalls | Vodopad Kravice

…Oasis in stone…


The Kravica Waterfalls are a natural wonder located in southern Bosnia and Herzegovina, near the town of Ljubuški. The waterfalls are a series of cascading falls that drop over 25 meters into a pool below, surrounded by lush vegetation and stunning natural scenery.

The Kravica Waterfalls are formed by the Trebižat River, which flows through a limestone canyon before dropping into the pool below. The waterfalls are at their most impressive in the spring and early summer, when the snowmelt and rainfall increase the flow of the river and create a spectacular display of cascading water.

@viadinarica & @stanislava.b_

The area around the Kravica Waterfalls is also home to a variety of wildlife, including birds, fish, and amphibians.


Visitors to the waterfalls can explore the surrounding forests and hiking trails, swim & refresh in the cool waters, or simply relax and enjoy the natural beauty of the area.

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