

Trebinje is located in the southernmost part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the region of Herzegovina. The Trebišnjica River flows through Trebinje, situated in the Trebinje Field, at the foot of Mount Leotar. Here are some things you can do in Trebinje.

Explore the Old Town


The Old Town of Trebinje, also known as Kastel, emerged in the late 17th century as the Ottoman Empire needed to organize its possessions in Herzegovina.


Built on the right bank of the Trebišnjica River, it features the impressive Sultan Ahmed Mosque and Osman Pasha Mosque, both showcasing beautiful Mediterranean architecture. The fortress-like town is surrounded by a moat.


Within the Old Town Walls, you can also visit the Museum of Herzegovina. Founded in 1952, the Museum of Herzegovina houses valuable archaeological, ethnological, and artistic collections, including sculptures, paintings, and personal items of Jovan Dučić. The museum also hosts temporary exhibitions, poetry recitals, and concerts.

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The Trebišnjica River, one of Europe’s largest underground rivers, runs through Trebinje. Known for its clean and calm waters, it’s perfect for sports like diving and fishing. The riverbanks offer popular picnic spots such as Studenac and Lastva.


Notable bridges include the Perovića (Arslanagića) Bridge, a 16th-century Ottoman structure, and the Ivo Andrić Bridge.

Relax in Platani Summer Garden


A beloved oasis in Trebinje, the Platani Summer Garden is shaded by 16 giant plane trees over 120 years old.


Located in the heart of the city, it provides a cool retreat during hot days and is a favorite meeting place for locals and tourists alike.


Just a step away, you’ll find the famous Green Market. This unique location, nestled under 100-year-old plane trees on Freedom Square, is bustling with joyful vendors offering the best and healthiest products from Herzegovina, making this place truly unforgettable.

Take in the views

Hercegovačka Gračanica is a must-visit sacred site in eastern Herzegovina. Inspired by the Gračanica Monastery in Kosovo, this church was built to honor the wish of Serbian poet Jovan Dučić.


Situated on Crkvina Hill, it provides a breathtaking panoramic view of Trebinje.


Discover another remarkable spot where you can savor breathtaking views of the city of Trebinje along with exquisite wines at Vukoje Winery and Restaurant.

Enjoy the local Wines

Visit Monastery Tvrdoš, located 5 km west of Trebinje on the right bank of the Trebišnjica River, one of the oldest cultural and historical monuments in Republika Srpska. Founded on the remains of a 4th-century church, it served as the seat of the Humsko-Hercegovačka Metropolis in the 16th and 17th centuries.


The monastery is renowned for its glass floor, which reveals the ancient church’s foundations, and its rich tradition in winemaking, dating back to the 15th century.

Or a day trip to Dubrovnik

Just 30 kilometers from Trebinje lies Dubrovnik, Croatia.


Known as the Adriatic Pearl, Dubrovnik is a city that captivates the world with its stunning beauty and attracts numerous visitors. This place boasts a rich historical heritage, with the most remarkable part being the imposing Dubrovnik Walls.

Trebinje enjoys a Mediterranean climate with 260 sunny days a year, making it ideal for growing grapes, early fruits, and vegetables. The pleasant weather, characterized by warm summers and mild winters, makes it a great destination year-round. Interestingly, Trebinje experiences warmer autumns than springs, with an average annual temperature of around 14.5°C.

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