Skakavac Natural Monument | Skakavac Spomenik Prirode


Skakavac, a natural park located 12 km from Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, offers a wealth of natural beauty and exciting activities for visitors.

Majestic Skakavac Waterfall

Natural park Skakavac is home to the same name waterfall, a breathtaking sight that cascades down from a height of 98 meters.


The waterfall is a true marvel of nature and a must-see attraction for visitors. Read More »

Hiking and Mountain biking


Skakavac provides a network of over 60 kilometers of digitally mapped hiking trails (Via Dinarica & SAOR), catering to both casual walkers and experienced hikers.


These trails take you through lush forests, alongside scenic viewpoints, and allow you to explore the park’s diverse flora and fauna.

Via Ferrata Climbing

For adventure seekers, Skakavac offers an exhilarating Via Ferrata “Bijela Stijena” climbing route. Spanning 105 m, this unique trail features 17 adrenaline-pumping climbing B category routes. From the top, you can enjoy panoramic views while witnessing the Bosnian flag waving proudly on a 10-meter mast.

Cultural Heritage

Skakavac is not only a natural paradise but also holds historical and cultural significance. Within the park, you can explore the stećak Luka necropolis, a collection of medieval tombstones with intricate carvings, providing insights into the region’s rich heritage.

Visitor Facilities

Skakavac offers well-maintained facilities to enhance visitors’ experience.


Along the trails, you’ll find information boards, signs, and markers, ensuring you stay on the right path and have access to relevant information about the park’s attractions and safety guidelines.


Local Products and Amenities

To support the local community, Skakavac features wooden stalls where you can find products from small and medium-sized local businesses. These stalls offer a variety of goods, allowing you to take home a piece of the region’s authentic craftsmanship.

Mountain cabin Skakavac


Admission is free

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