Discover Gallery 11/07/95, the premier memorial gallery-museum in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Crafted to honor the memory of the Srebrenica genocide, this exhibition space in eastern Bosnia reflects on the tragic loss of 8,372 lives in July 1995. The ongoing exhibition provides a documentary glimpse into what remains of Srebrenica post-genocide.

Through a rich array of multimedia content—photos, maps, sound, and visual materials—the Gallery-Museum immerses visitors in a continuous exhibit offering both a documentary and an artistic interpretation of the events that unfolded in Srebrenica in July 1995. Furthermore, through educational programs and periodic thematic exhibits, the Gallery sheds light on current global events and the historical legacy of the former Yugoslav state.

Gallery 11/07/95 embodies a hybrid space, blending the museum and gallery concepts and intertwining past and future temporal dimensions. Through artistic and documentary methods, it challenges homogenous and rigid ideological interpretations. What sets Gallery 11/07/95 apart is its unique approach to history—not merely confronting it in its final form but intervening within the historical moment, a moment that is not only recent history but also part of the present. The primary goal of this gallery-museum is to be a powerful, resonant, and decisive voice against all forms of violence worldwide. Srebrenica symbolizes not only the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina but also serves as a universal symbol of the suffering of innocent civilians and the indifference of others.

The Gallery employs mixed media—photography, video, and interactive documents—prompting visitors to contemplate the politics and culture of memory and forgetting. This extends beyond the event itself to encompass how the event is presented globally.