Currency | Valuta | Bosnia & Herzegovina

The official currency of Bosnia and Herzegovina is the convertible mark (BAM). The convertible mark is pegged to the euro at a fixed rate, with one convertible mark equal to 0.5113 euros.

The convertible mark is divided into 100 pfennigs, although coins in denominations of less than 5 pfennigs are no in circulation.

Convertible mark coins

Banknotes are available in denominations of 10, 20, 50, 100, and 200 convertible marks.

Convertible mark banknotes

In general, it is recommended that visitors exchange their currency into Bosnian convertible marks upon arrival in the country, as many places do not accept foreign currencies. There are exchange offices and ATMs available throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina, including at major airports, train stations, and tourist destinations. It’s always a good idea to carry some cash, as some smaller establishments may not accept credit cards.

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