Only what you give is yours!
“I begin my story for nothing, without benefit for myself or anyone else, from a need stronger than benefit or reason. I must leave a record of myself, the chronicled anguish of my inner conversations, in the vague hope that a solution will be found when all accounts have been settled (if they may ever be), when I have left my trail of ink on this paper, which lies in front of me like a challenge. I do not yet know what will be written here. But in the strokes of these letters at least some of what was in me will remain, no longer to perish in eddies of mist as if it had never been, or as if I had never known what happened. In this way I will come to see how I became what I am – this self that is a mystery even to me. And yet it is a mystery to me that I have not always been what I am now.” – Mesa Selimovic (Death and the Dervish)
“Počinjem ovu svoju priču, nizašto, bez koristi za sebe i za druge, iz potrebe koja je jača od koristi i razuma, da ostane zapis moj o meni, zapisana muka razgovora sa sobom, s dalekom nadom da će se naći neko rješenje kad bude račun sveden, ako bude, kad ostavim trag mastila na ovoj hartiji što čeka kao izazov. Ne znam šta će biti zabilježeno, ali će u kukama slova ostati nešto od onoga što je bivalo u meni, pa se više neće gubiti u kovitlacima magle, kao da nije ni bilo, ili da ne znam šta je bilo. Tako ću moći da vidim sebe kakav postajem, to čudo koje ne poznajem, a čini mi se da je čudo što uvijek nisam bio ono što sam sad.” – Meša Selimović (Derviš i smrt)