Kaslak’s House / The Art Gallery | Gradska galerija / Kršlakova kuća | Jajce

2 minutes

Situated in the historic Kršlak House, which leans against the city wall on the way to the Fortress, the City Gallery in Jajce is a cultural gem.

The City Gallery’s permanent exhibition features:

  • Paintings: A variety of works by artists from Jajce and those who have been inspired by their time in this picturesque town.
  • Sculptures: Stunning pieces by the renowned Jajce sculptor Duško Rakita.

Beyond its impressive collection, the City Gallery also:

  • Organizes Art Schools: Offering drawing and painting classes for budding artists of all ages.
  • Hosts Art Colonies: Bringing together artists from various regions to create and exhibit their work in a collaborative environment.

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