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Najnoviji članci

  • Martin Brod
    Explore Martin Brod, where the Unac River merges with the Una, forming a captivating haven of untouched natural beauty. Home to the largest waterfall complex in the “Una” National Park, this medieval town, dating back to the 14th or 15th century, boasts Milančev Buk’s 800m waterfall. Two scenic hiking trails, exceptional fly fishing spots, and the historic Rmanj Monastery add to the allure.
  • Trebevic Mountain | Planina Trebević
    Discover the captivating beauty of Trebević Mountain near Sarajevo, offering panoramic views of the city’s skyline and remnants of the 1984 Winter Olympics facilities. Whether you’re a nature enthusiast, history buff, or adventure seeker, Trebević promises an unforgettable experience. Take a thrilling ride on the Trebević Cable Car, walk the historic Olympic bobsleigh track, try the Alpine Coaster at Sunnyland, or discover Via Ferratas for various skill levels. Hike to the summit of Sofe at 1629 meters, and visit the Sports and Recreational Center Brus for diverse activities. Stay at Hotel Pino or Villa Andrea for a cozy mountain retreat, or enjoy breathtaking views from Mountain Lodge Jure Franko. Trebević Mountain offers a versatile and family-friendly destination for all.
  • Gazi Husrev-bey Mosque | Gazi Husrev-begova džamija | Sarajevo
    Gazi Husrev-beg’s 1531 mosque in Sarajevo’s Baščaršija is an Ottoman architectural gem. Designed by Adžem Esir Ali, its 45-meter minaret and domed interior feature stunning arabesques, gilding, and marble. Declared a National Monument in 2004, it remains a key cultural and historical site in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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