…A Birdwatcher’s Paradise…
Nestled in the heart of Herzegovina, on the left bank of the Neretva River, lies Hutovo Blato, a unique sub-Mediterranean wetland in Europe.

Hutovo Blato is one of Europe’s largest bird wintering sites. Spanning wetlands, plains, and hilly terrain with altitudes ranging from 1 to 432 meters, it offers a diverse habitat for a variety of bird species.

Located just 15 kilometers from the Adriatic Sea, Hutovo Blato benefits from a Mediterranean climate, making it a haven for biodiversity. Designated as a Nature Park in 1995, the area features numerous lakes, channels, and the Krupa River, maintaining high groundwater levels and creating both permanent and seasonal springs.

The lakes in Hutovo Blato are true cryptodepressions, with some lake beds lying below sea level, like Jelim Lake at 18 meters deep. The largest lakes include Deransko, Jelim, Drijen, Orah, Škrka, and Svitava, the latter being an artificial reservoir created by the Čapljina hydroelectric power plant. These lakes are interconnected by numerous channels and ravines.

The Krupa River, originating from Deransko Lake, is the main watercourse, channeling water from Upper Blato and Svitava Lake into the Neretva River. Notably, the Krupa River can flow in both directions, a phenomenon caused by the high water levels and flow of the Neretva River pushing water back into Krupa.

Thanks to the proximity to the Adriatic Sea and an abundance of water surrounded by karst hills, Hutovo Blato boasts exceptional biological diversity. The park’s vegetation is categorized into four types: aquatic, marsh, meadow, and forest. The aquatic areas are primarily covered with white water lilies (Nymphaea alba) and yellow water lilies (Nuphar luteum). Other significant plants include pondweed (Potamogeton sp.) and water crowfoot (Ranunculus sp.).

The marshland is dominated by extensive reed beds, featuring species like reed (Phragmites sp.), bulrush (Typha sp.), sedge (Carex sp.), and rush (Juncus sp.).

The forest and meadow vegetation includes a variety of characteristic species that enhance the park’s biodiversity. Notable trees and plants are ash (Fraxinus sp.), oak (Quercus sp.), butcher’s-broom (Ruscus sp.), pomegranate (Punica sp.), juniper (Juniperus sp.), willow (Salix sp.), elm (Ulmus sp.), alder (Alnus sp.), blackberry (Rubus sp.), mulberry (Morus sp.), dead-nettle (Lamium sp.), and clover (Trifolium sp.).
Photo Safari

A photo safari in Hutovo Blato offers the chance to explore the landscape, observe birds, and enjoy the natural ambiance of the wetland while cruising through its waterways.

Each boat can accommodate 25 people, and the tour lasts about an hour, following a circular route.

Sport Fishing

Sport fishing is a popular activity in Hutovo Blato, particularly in the upper part of the Krupa River from Struga to Bučina, where controlled eel fishing is practiced.

Bike ride around Hutovo Blato while at the same time cycle through the local villages and enjoying the landscapes.