
2 minutes


A beloved type of bread in Bosnian cuisine


Somun, also known as lepina or lepinja, is a type of Bosnian bread made from white flour, typically round in shape with a diameter of around 20 cm and a thickness of about 1 cm.


While the term “somun” is commonly used in Sarajevo, in other parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina and former Yugoslav countries, it refers to a type of elongated bread.


This delicious bread is often served alongside ćevapčići, sudžukice, pljeskavice, pače, or other traditional Bosnian dishes.


During the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, somun takes on added significance, often being sprinkled with churekot and becoming an integral part of the meal following the day’s fast.

   Where to try it?

Pekara Alifakovac

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