Travnik Castle | Tvrđava Travnik


The Travnik Castle, also known as the Stari Grad (Old Town) Fortress, is a historic castle located in the town of Travnik in central Bosnia and Herzegovina.


The castle dates back to the 15th century and is considered one of the best-preserved medieval fortresses in the country.


The Travnik Castle was built during the Ottoman period and served as the administrative center of the region, as well as a military stronghold. The castle is situated on a hill overlooking the town of Travnik, and its walls and towers offer stunning views of the surrounding mountains and valleys.


Visitors to the Travnik Castle can explore the impressive fortifications, which include a large gate, defensive walls, and several towers.


The castle also contains several buildings, including a mosque minaret, a prison, and a powder magazine.


The castle’s interior has been renovated and converted into a museum, which houses exhibits on the history and culture of Travnik and the surrounding region.

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