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HR & management

Za sve one koji smatraju da će ih znanja i saznanja drugih iz područja ljudskih resursa (potencijala), organizacijskog ponašanja i sistema nagrađivanja učiniti boljim rukovoditeljima. Potrebno je odmaći se od promišljanja da ta znanja trebaju biti zarobljena u odjelima ljudskih resursa, već su neophodna nadopuna svima koji vode male ili velike timove.

Web development

Za web development potrebna je samo dobra volja i otvorenost prema novome.

Pored ličnih tema, na ovoj stranici će se naći i misli, djela i promišljanja drugih, voljenih, bliskih lll mikrosvijetu.

Najnoviji članci

  • River Bosnia Spring | Vrelo Bosne | Ilidza in Sarajevo
    Vrelo Bosne, at the foot of Mount Igman near Sarajevo, features the beautiful spring of the River Bosna. This 600-hectare natural park boasts lush forests, scenic walking trails, and diverse wildlife. Popular for picnics and family outings, visitors can enjoy traditional Bosnian coffee and horse-drawn carriage rides through picturesque paths.
  • Ciro Bike Trail | Ćiro biciklističke staze
    Explore the beauty of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the historic ĆIRO Bike Trail, tracing the old railway from Mostar to Dubrovnik. Admire remnants of the railway, tunnels, and bridges while enjoying stunning landscapes. Cycle through southern Herzegovina, discovering rich culture and warm hospitality. Experience the Herzegovina Wine Route along the way, with Bike Friendly facilities for support.
  • Bjelasnica Mountain | Planina Bjelašnica
    Bjelašnica Mountain, close to Sarajevo in Bosnia and Herzegovina, is a popular destination for winter sports enthusiasts and nature lovers. Famous for its selection of winter activities, the mountain also offers year-round hiking and biking adventures along a variety of trails. Visitors can explore the preserved medieval villages and experience the rich history and culture of the area. Ideal for day trips or extended stays, Bjelašnica promises unforgettable experiences with awe-inspiring landscapes and leisurely recreational possibilities.

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