Islamic Sites

Colorful Mosque | Šarena džamija | Travnik

Explore Travnik’s vibrant history at the Šarena Džamija, a 16th-century masterpiece. Known for its captivating ornaments and unique architecture, this mosque in the heart of Donja čaršija district showcases flourishing trees, grapevines, and calligraphic details. The Šarena Džamija, meaning colorful mosque, boasts richly decorated interiors, including ornamental sections and a gallery with names of Prophet Muhammad’s companions. Serving both sacred and secular purposes, it defies architectural norms, with a left-side minaret due to ground conditions. Despite challenges, including a 1903 fire, extensive restoration in the 1980s preserved its botanical charm, attracting history and architecture enthusiasts.

Colorful Mosque | Šarena džamija | Travnik Read More »

Mosque of Sultan Mehmed II El Fatih the Conqueror | Džamija sultana Mehmeda II El Fatiha Osvajača | Kraljeva Sutjeska

The Mosque nestled in the idyllic Kraljeva Sutjeska village in Bosnia is an architectural marvel dating back to around 1463. The rectangular structure, with dimensions of 7.93 x 13.10 meters, features clay brick construction, whitewashed walls, and a steep, four-sloped tiled roof. Its interior includes an ablution area, prayer room, classroom, and balcony, boasting light green floral patterns and intricate geometric and floral motifs on the mihrab. A wooden mimber and octagonal minaret add to the structure’s elegance. Despite its murky historical documentation, the Mosque continues to command respect for its religious and cultural legacy.

Mosque of Sultan Mehmed II El Fatih the Conqueror | Džamija sultana Mehmeda II El Fatiha Osvajača | Kraljeva Sutjeska Read More »

Fethija Mosque | Fethija džamija | Bihać

Discover Bosnian Aya Sofia, the historic Fethija Mosque in Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina, formerly the Church of St. Anthony. Dating back to the 14th century, this architectural marvel showcases a fusion of Gothic and Ottoman styles. Renowned for its ornate stone details, the mosque welcomes visitors intrigued by its rich heritage. With modifications for inclusivity and preservation efforts, it remains a revered site, boasting an original stained glass window and serving as a symbol of cultural harmony.

Fethija Mosque | Fethija džamija | Bihać Read More »

Ramadan Time | Vrijeme Ramazana | Bosnia & Herzegovina

Ramadan is a significant religious observance for Muslims around the world, and it holds a special place in Bosnia and Herzegovina’s cultural and religious calendar. During Ramadan, Muslims observe fasting from dawn to sunset, engaging in prayer, reflection, and acts of charity. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ramadan creates a unique atmosphere throughout the country. Mosques

Ramadan Time | Vrijeme Ramazana | Bosnia & Herzegovina Read More »

Koski Mehmed Pasha Mosque | Koski Mehmed-pašina džamija | Mostar

Discover the enchanting Koski Mehmed Paša Mosque in Mostar, its history dating back to 1618. Named after its founder, Mehmed Koski, the mosque suffered damage during the 1993 war, but meticulous restoration has restored its glory. Ascend the minaret for a breathtaking 360-degree view, though caution is advised on the narrow steps. The mosque’s interior boasts original colors and decorations, with a precious carpet gifted by Emperor Franz Joseph I. Immerse yourself in this historic gem, situated in Mostar’s oldest district, offering a unique charm and a panoramic spectacle of the iconic Old Bridge.

Koski Mehmed Pasha Mosque | Koski Mehmed-pašina džamija | Mostar Read More »

Turhan Emin Beg Mosque | Turhan Emin-begova džamija | Ustikolina

The Turhan Emin-beg Mosque, Bosnia’s oldest, graces the town of Ustikolina, nestled between Foča and Goražde. Built around 1448, this historic gem boasts a square layout of 13.30m x 14.5m, offering a glimpse into the region’s rich cultural heritage. Its tranquil courtyard features around 50 gravestones, each with a unique story. Additionally, it historically housed an Islamic school (mekteb) and a refreshing fountain (česma). Despite facing wartime destructions, the local community’s resilience led to its loving restoration in 2007.

Turhan Emin Beg Mosque | Turhan Emin-begova džamija | Ustikolina Read More »

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